Plastic ≠ Fake; How to look natural after cosmetic surgery

The Michael Jackson nose, the Kenny Rodgers facelift, Lindsey Lohan lips, the Heidi Montag boob job; famous people are becoming infamous for cosmetic surgeries that have gone awry. What went wrong? Who is to blame, the doctor, the patient or the public’s demand of perfection from their idols or simply the fear of aging gracefully?
Although there are many reasons and factors that go into one’s reason for undergoing a cosmetic procedure it is ultimately the doctor’s responsibility to inform and educate the patient on what is right and do what is ethical. Imaging software is an excellent tool, to create a shared vision and allow the patient and doctor to express their concerns. Too often I believe it is misused as a selling tool to show a patient “perfection” after surgery. Anyone well versed in Photoshop can turn Roseanne Arnold to Paris Hilton. Instead, this tool should be used to show the limitations and set realistic expectations of surgery.
Many times a patient will tell me “I need my eyes done”, when the problem is their brow position. Oftentimes someone comes in for a neck lift when instead they need a chin enhancement. Patient’s don’t always know the answer. The most well executed surgery is useless if it was the wrong procedure. It is important to get multiple opinions from well qualified doctors and see what makes sense to you. It truly is an art to look at someone’s face and tell them what needs to be enhanced or made more subtle. Many doctors simply have that knack, while others just don’t, independent of age or experience. Some doctors are very gifted salesmen, some are great technically, but do not have that “eye”. It falls on the patient to find this out. Patient referrals, testimonials and reviews, looking at their before and after results and ultimately visiting that doctor and following your gut is the answer.
Many doctors produce cookie cutter results. My personal belief is to make a feature fit the face, and enhance other beautiful features that person possesses.
Like the song we sang as children “the hip bone’s connected to the...thigh bone”, every anatomical portion of our face is connected. The face is made up of 14 bones and 50+ muscles all working together as a dynamic system. To think that “fixing my nose” in a vacuum is wrong. Moving one thing has an impact on neighboring structures functionally and aesthetically. It is important for the doctor to take this into account.
Every surgery is challenging and could potentially change a person’s life. Your surgeon should treat you as such. Do you feel rushed at your consultation, are your questions and concerns taken seriously, do you feel like you are just another number? These are all “red flags”. Listen to that little voice inside your head. Bringing a friend or family member can help you and may notice cues you may have missed. Surgery is a shared responsibility between patient and doctor, and when working as a team success is the only option.
Always with patient care first,
Dr. B
CAMEO Surgery
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