Lets cut the BS: What's the spiel series...

Every new refugee patient (someone who left their prior doctor to be treated by us) we have, almost always comes to see us with wrong and sometimes completely crazy information: the prices they charge, the things they have their patients doing before and after the procedure has no scientific basis behind and is mostly voodoo, and the claims they make about what they can accomplish is oftentimes outrageous.
I would hate to accuse these doctors of lying to their patients but I find it hard to believe that the doctor is actually misinformed.
The next series of blog entries will you the 'real deal' regarding different cosmetic procedures. I will address some of the things my patients have told me, that they were told. Usually when things are too good to be true, they are. I will be adding a new topic every few days. If you would like to give me any recommendations as to a topic, just give me a shout. The first topic will be about Botox, followed by liposuction, and cellulite, and plenty more.
Respectfully and honestly yours,
Dr. B
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