When should you start with Botox?
I recently had a patient send me this article which convinced her at the age of 30 to have Botox injected by me. The link is at the bottom of this text, it was written in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, 2006.
Botox has become so mainstream to so many, I sometimes forget how 'big of a deal' it is to some. When should you start having Botox treatments? I will leave that answer to you. When you feel you are ready. I will say, that I treat myself and really believe it is easier to treat a wrinkle in its infancy rather then when it is fully developed.
A wrinkle is a result of your muscles of animation constantly causing a fold in the skin. Over time, this wrinkle will actually cause the dermis and epidermis to atrophy in this created crease. Almost like the effect of erosion.
Botox weakens the muscles causing the wrinkle. If you only have wrinkles when you animate (frown, smile, look surprised, etc), Botox will eliminate these wrinkles. These are what I like to call baby wrinkles (not yet so deep).
If you have been animating with strong facial muscles over a lengthy time, you will have these wrinkles at rest, because of this atrophy phenonmenon (erosion of the layers of skin in the depths of the wrinkle crease). We call this type of wrinkle an 'imprinted' wrinkle. Will Botox help this type of wrinkle? Yes. Will the wrinkle still be there? Yes. You may need a filler, to 'fill' in the crease where the atrophy took place as well.
In this article that I will attach a link to, 2 identical twins were examined. The twin on the left was injected 2-3 times in 7 years. The twin on the right had Botox injected in her forehead and crow's feet 2-3 times per year for 13 years. The photos speak for themselves. Please read the article. It is a very easy read and speaks volumes about prevention of wrinkles, by starting Botox before the wrinkles begin to take shape.

Botox has become so mainstream to so many, I sometimes forget how 'big of a deal' it is to some. When should you start having Botox treatments? I will leave that answer to you. When you feel you are ready. I will say, that I treat myself and really believe it is easier to treat a wrinkle in its infancy rather then when it is fully developed.
A wrinkle is a result of your muscles of animation constantly causing a fold in the skin. Over time, this wrinkle will actually cause the dermis and epidermis to atrophy in this created crease. Almost like the effect of erosion.

Botox weakens the muscles causing the wrinkle. If you only have wrinkles when you animate (frown, smile, look surprised, etc), Botox will eliminate these wrinkles. These are what I like to call baby wrinkles (not yet so deep).
If you have been animating with strong facial muscles over a lengthy time, you will have these wrinkles at rest, because of this atrophy phenonmenon (erosion of the layers of skin in the depths of the wrinkle crease). We call this type of wrinkle an 'imprinted' wrinkle. Will Botox help this type of wrinkle? Yes. Will the wrinkle still be there? Yes. You may need a filler, to 'fill' in the crease where the atrophy took place as well.
In this article that I will attach a link to, 2 identical twins were examined. The twin on the left was injected 2-3 times in 7 years. The twin on the right had Botox injected in her forehead and crow's feet 2-3 times per year for 13 years. The photos speak for themselves. Please read the article. It is a very easy read and speaks volumes about prevention of wrinkles, by starting Botox before the wrinkles begin to take shape.

I enjoyed this article very much!
BOTOX is ageless...you can start in your 20's to prevent something more surgical in the future!
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