Friday, April 4, 2008

Dancing With The Scars

Poor Priscilla Presley; we have all have seen her on "Dancing with the Stars," it's just too bad more of us are looking at her face than her feet. An absolutely gorgeous woman, who now looks mummified after seeing the wrong plastic surgeon. As the media has recently showed cased her as "plastic surgery gone bad", there were many things that went awry in her treatment. She has reminded us of a few lessons; even the hollywood elite can fall into the wrong hands.

What happened?
Dr. Daniel Serrano a charming doctor licensed in Argentina tapped into the A crowd, offering them a permanent fix to facial rejuvenation. He was injecting industrial, low-grade silicone into the faces of his patients. This was the same quality of silicone that caused silicone breast implants to be pulled off the market, after just being reintroduced this year. This resulted in a terrible outcome, and my heart goes out to all of his patients.

What we have learned?

1. Avoid things that cannot be reversed. One of my mentors taught me, "always have an escape plan". For this doctor, it is probably leaving the country (just kidding, this is not what I mean). A good surgeon thinks 10 steps ahead, imaging what can go wrong on every step and how to avoid and fix it. Silicone injections are permanent and cannot be removed. This is why I do not use the product. As we age, our face changes and this material does not. This results in an unpredictable result. Additonally, if by operator error, too much is injected or in the wrong place it cannot be retrieved. Responsible doctors that do inject silicone use tiny "microdroplets" at mutliple visits, to insure that an error is not made. There are many wonderful fillers that are lasting longer that should be considered instead (see my prior fillers blog entries). This is not the same silicone in breast implants now, and the lip implants that I used are solid silicone-an entirely same form of silicone.

2. Don't believe hype. Do your own research. Ask for before and afters from the doctor. Someone who is in the right crowd or very wealthy is not always the best.

3. Come to CAMEO Surgery and let me take care of you. I am just joking, no I'm not actually.

I applaud Ms. Presley for still competing on the show, holding her head high after being seen each week by millions of viewers. If she came to me tomorrow there are some things I could do to try to camouflauge the damage done, but never will she have her pre-surgery face back. Although I do feel terrible for her cosmetic outcome, Adam Carolla is still getting my vote on the show.


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