The skinny on the HCG diet

Affecting 190 millions Americans, obesity is pandemic. The dangers of being overweight are well documented, but still the struggle remains. Stemming from a slow metabolism, uncontrolled food cravings, emotional eating, or an insatiable appetite, one’s battle with weight control is a frustrating one.
HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It is a natural hormone produced during pregnancy. The HCG diet ‘tricks’ your body into a pregnancy state. In this state, your body protects the ‘growing fetus’ in periods of food shortage. Simeons in the 1950s first noted this natural ‘survival mechanism’, when visiting India. In this third world country, pregnant women were eating a few hundred calories daily, walked for miles, and engaged in strenuous physical chores. Babies that were delivered during his studies were full size, weight, and healthy. Responsible is the fat burning properties of HCG. One will never see an obese pregnant woman. Women often gain weight after pregnancy, when their HCG levels drop.
Over 100,000 people have lost weight using this diet with essentially 100% success. Under a doctor’s supervision, combined with a low calorie diet, this is a safe and effective method for weight loss, as pointed out most recently by Dr. Oz.
Patients typically lose 1-2 pounds per day while increasing your energy, reducing your appetite, and keeping the weight off, all while feeling well.
HCG is unlike any other diet in that it resets your metabolism by acting on a portion of your brain leaving you with a faster metabolic rate. The diet works for both men and women. Many of the negative press the HCG diet has absorbed is from the homeopathic version of HCG.
During the diet, you eat 500 calories. Your body is still receiving 2,000-3,000 calories per day by breaking down fat. With the proper vitamin supplementation and blood tests, this diet is safe. Being overweight is dangerous.
If you tried to eat 500 calories without HCG would you lose weight? Yes, but you would feel lethargic, have headaches, much of the weight lost would be muscle, while fat would first be lost in your face, chest, and other undesirable areas. An anorexic is someone on a starvation diet. Look at their appearance. Their faces are sunken in, their ribs are protruding, but often they still have a belly. These unwanted areas of fat are the last to go on a pure starvation diet but the first to disappear on the HCG diet. While on HCG you will feel energized, your muscles are spared and the fat you lose will be in areas such as your belly, hips and thighs.
Discovered in the the 1950, Trudeau again brought it to light in 2007. The HCG True Diet is a physician monitored version of this diet and is widely popular. Most recently Dr. Oz and the NY Times highlighted this diet as an effective weight loss solution when monitored by a physician. This doctor would say the same.
For more information on the HCG diet, please call the office or check out the HCG True diet.
Hi, can you post your contact information..? I cannot find it anywhere.
Thank you.
Hi, Can you post your contact information? I cannot find it anywhere on this blog or any kind of website for the doctor.
Thank you.
Thanks for your inquiry
Thank you Jay. I appreciate that. If we can give you any more information please feel free to contact office.
646 201 5273
I have done the hcg diet - the 40 day injections 18 months ago with you. It was a good program. I am finding that I am starting to put on belly fat again. IWould a 23 day injections and diet help to get rid of the belly fat and reset my hypothalmus again ? I have done steak days but lose only 1 pound. I am afarid that the belly fat means something was triggered.
Hi Toyo,
Happy to hear of your success with the diet. I encourage you to call the office so we can figure out why you have had this weight gain. We can offer you an abridged version of the diet like you suggested. Please give us a call and ask for Jeanna or Anastassia 631 232 2636. Happy Holidays!
Dr. B
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